Friday 24 January 2014

Unemployment: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...for some things (not money)

It’s no secret that that job market for us recent grads is nothing short of craptacular. After months and months of searching—applying for countless jobs that I don’t particularly want and for which I am technically over qualified—I’m still coming up short. Throw me a bone, employment gods! Even an interview: I’m not even asking for a silver-platter job, just a potential light at the end of the dismal sewage tunnel that has been my job hunt.

But alas, for all my efforts I still find myself sitting home in the middle of the day, writing this blog in between episodes of Gilmore Girls. (Not that I don’t love GG or this fabulous vessel of social information; but, as far as I know, the government of Ontario will accept neither in barter for the student debt I owe…a shame indeed) And I realize that I’m not alone, since talking to friends alone reveals that people in my age group in varying fields are all undergoing an employment slump. We look at several online job boards, we network through sites like LinkedIn and family/friend connections, we even go old school and check out newspaper classifieds. What else can we do? Make the most of the time off, that’s what!

When you think about it, this is time we’ll never get back, this unemployment slump of ours, and that my friends is a beautiful thing. I say, we use it to pursue activities and dreams that we otherwise put off because we are too busy with our real world responsibilities. As we currently have none of those, let’s to the list and away for making the most of unemployment!

Read ALL THE BOOKS: Everyone has a “to read” list, whether it be the classics that everyone always talks about but you’ve never read, or new hot fiction at the front shelves of your local Indigo. Go out and READ! There’s no better time to do it.

Watch GOOD MOVIES:  Like with novels, there is always that list of movies that we always “mean” to see but never seem to have the time to. Go to your local library and rent them for free, and let the movie marathons begin!

Write for fun: Remember being a kid or teenager and keeping a diary, filled with the exciting day to day drama of who liked who, what she was wearing and he said what?! I used to love the freedom of putting my pen to paper, even if I was scrawling out nonsense, it was liberating to free the contents of my mind through recreational writing. We can have that again! Start a new diary or journal, write short stories or poems, anything that comes to mind! Though perhaps the content will be a little bit more mature at this point…

Try a new exercise: Generally gyms and personal trainers cost muchos dollars but that’s why Youtube is such a beautiful thing. I got started on Yoga by trying a few videos I found on Youtube, some put on by well known professionals like Jillian Michaels. Of course, trying new exercise on your own means you always have to be extra careful about not pushing your body to extreme limits, without someone there to guide you, but it’s a great way to try new methods of movement to see what you might like when and if one day you have the money to pay for real classes. And it helps me to get my rear off the couch, which is no easy feat.

Spend more time with the ones you love: Use this time to connect with those people that you don’t see as often as you should or would like. During my stint in unemployment, I make a regular effort to visit my grandparents, who are also home all day; the visit breaks up both of our regular routines, and it gives me a chance to get to know some really wonderful and interesting people even better. I also make afternoon playdates with my niece and nephew, which also corresponds to the previous “try a new exercise” suggestion because MAN ARE THEY A WORKOUT!

Pursue THAT THING you’ve always wanted to do but it’s more of a pipedream: Why not? What better time than now, when we have nothing to lose and tones of freedom to start on the road towards our ultimate dream jobs. Always wanted to be a novelist? Get brainstorming and writing! Is music your thing? Buy a tape recorder and start practicing! My ultimate, if-money-wasn’t-an-issue-and-we-lived-on-rainbows dream job would be screen writing: I happen to be 30 pages into writing a script of my own. Is it any good? Who knows, but there’s no better time to explore the possibilities.

Get together with two WONDERFUL friends and start an AMAZING blog: I think this one is pretty self explanatory.

Gotta book it,

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