Tuesday 7 January 2014

Blue Monday, Grey Tuesday: What to do when you're stuck indoors in January

According to the news, yesterday was the “most depressing day of the year”. The first Monday of January is apparently so depressing it is actually called Blue Monday… and I have to say I believe it! The holiday season is over, credit card bills are coming, the weather sucks, family is gone and the house feels empty. I too felt down and out all day; I didn’t feel ready to be back at work, I found out my yoga studio doesn’t start up for another week, it was too cold to do anything and the temperatures were (and still are) dropping rapidly towards a “flash freeze”. December brought some pretty crazy weather to Canada and the US… blizzards, freezing rain, hail, snow, snow and more snow. Luckily, I was able to escape the deep freeze for seven blissful days in the sand and sun in Cuba (if you still have an up-coming trip check out my packing list for some helpful suggestions!). This past weekend I was at an “after-holiday party” showing off my tan and sharing stories when one particularly surly woman said would never go South in December; according to her it makes the winter feel that much longer. And hey, I can see her point, but while going from +30 to -30 in a matter of hours was quite shocking and the thought of several more months cold and dreary weather is not appealing I don’t think I’d ever say no to a vacation.  And, we do live in Canada. We kind of agree to being cold by living here…. November through March is always going to be total shit so I think I’d rather it be fluffy and white outside my window that that awful brownish grey slush colour.

Source: weheartit

When I’m feeling blue, or any other depressing shade (maybe I’ll call today Grey Tuesday), I like to have things to look forward to. In that spirit I am going to list some lovely things we can all enjoy this winter when its just too cold to go outside! There’s nothing I like better than accomplishing things and crossing them off a list. Have any ideas? Comment or tweet us @jemcolborne!

1.) Re-read the Harry Potter series and then re-watch the movies. I’m working my way through them now and I have to say it’s very satisfying!

2.) Read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and watch the movies. I have read The Hobbit but never LOTR... its a travesty, trust me, I know. 

3.) Re-watch LOST. Seriously, it just keeps getting better.

Who's your constant?
Source: weheartit

4.) Re-watch Downton Abbey 1, 2 & 3 in preparation for Season 4 which premiered in Canada January 5!

5.) Find a new blog to follow. There are some amazingly resourceful blogs out there from raising chickens to make-up application I swear you kind find a great blog on any topic.

6.) Make a memory jar. Found this online and its an adorable idea!

Source: wehearit

7.) Complete some of the DIYs you’ve pinned to your boards. Seriously, how many have you actually completed?

8.) Buy yourself some fancy hot chocolate. I bought myself some peppermint Silly Cow… I love that its all natural, made in Canada AND is in an eco-friendly glass bottle!

Source: Silly Cow
9.) Learn to knit. Its trending now and is a valuable skill to have. I received a scarf and hat from my boyfriends grandmother for xmas and its my most treasured gift!

10.) Bake something new. Enough chocolate chip cookies and banana muffins already! Search Pinterest for a new recipe this winter and make yourself an expert at it. Personally, I want to learn to whip up biscuits apparently they're easy!
Okay, that's a little extreme.
Source: weheartit
11.) Organize your closet. I have the beginnings of a great system in my closet with all the baskets, hooks and shoe racks a person could want but for some reason it's still a complete mess!

12.) Play hide and seek with your pup. Hide treats around the room and let your dog "forage" for food. Its supposed to play into their natural instincts and gives them something to focus on instead of being bored and stuck inside!

13.) Indulge in some high end loose leaf tea. Ditch the Tetley for the three long months of tea sipping that are still ahead of us.

Source: weheartit
14.) Journal. It's supposed to be great for your creativity and mental health. If you're more of a tech wizard start a blog!

15.) Read non-fiction. I am going to read a yoga book first and I'm also interested in looking into some nutrition books.

16.) Read a classic. Preferably an Austen or Bronte. They just suit winter.

17.) Print your photos. How long have you been meaning to get your vacation photos into an album?

18.) Paint. Its relaxing and lets you get a little messy whether you like impressionism or splatter paint its definitely an excellent way to spend time indoors.

There is an endless list of things to do inside this winter and this is just a start. Bundle up and drink tea everyone!

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