Thursday 26 December 2013

The magic of Taffy lane

You may not know, but we, the literary ladies of WTD are all currently living in Ontario.  We started this blog to shed a little light on the literary side of Canada's most political province: living a novel life is possible, even in the frozen wasteland that "On-terrible" can sometimes be!
If you live in Ottawa and need something free/very cheap to do over the holidays, why not check out Taffy lane?  It's a small suburban street famous for its residents who bedeck their houses in seasonal wonder.
Tip: park the car and walk the street: you'll see so much more of the detail and effort put in, and you'll enjoy the winter wonderland first hand!  Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion the few grinches who don't participate are protesting against the large amounts of increased traffic Taffy lane's notoriety brings every year.
Adorable,and so easy to DIY!

Need to add these guys to Jem's reindeer roundup!
 It goes without saying that the whimsy and holiday spirit are uplifting and inspirational.  I love how this community pulls together to create some spectacular.  They are the true embodiment of the Christmas spirit: they give all of us a show and it doesn't cost (us) a nickel.
My absolute favourite!
On my visit I saw at least four families with toddlers, some riding in sleds, enjoying the bright lights.  It was snowing big, fluffy flakes and the effect was truly magical.  A wholesome winter activity for the entire family!

Classy all white lighting
The beauty of this "community art project" is that everyone can show off their unique style.  It doesn't have to be big, flashy and expensive.  Many people simply put up a few strings of lights and left it at that-- it is still heartwarming to see just how many houses participate.  one of my particular favourites (sadly I didn't get to photograph) displays a light-up sign that is clearly wishing everyone happy holidays in a language I don't recognize.  I think it's fantastic that whomever that family is, whatever their heritage, their religion, etc, they not only participate in this tradition, but they also proudly display their unique way of celebrating.

Getting creative with Nightmare Before Christmas
If you get a chance to see Taffy lane, I recommend parking the car and walking the street.  Bring a hot chocolate (in a re-usable mug of course) and if you see any of the residents, congratulate them on another successful year.  These are the people who make Ottawa less stuffy and more awesome!

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