Wednesday 18 December 2013

The 10 Best Literary Christmas Quotations (According to Us)

There is nothing better than reading about Christmas in your favourite literature! A truly good book can get you in the mood for December even on a sunny August afternoon. So sit back, relax and take in my list of the ten best literary chrsitmas quotes. Don't agree? Repond with your favourite quotations in the comments!

Source: We Heart It

A special thank you to Goodreads and Google which made compiling this list of quotations ridiculously easy on this snowy December morning!


Source: School Library Journal

“Always winter but never Christmas.”
C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


Source: byubookstore

 “I mean the baronet and the rector, not our brothers—but the former, who hate each other all the year round, become quite loving at Christmas.”
William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair


Source: Wikipedia

“Mistletoe," said Luna dreamily, pointing at a large clump of white berries placed almost over Harry's head. He jumped out from under it. "Good thinking," said Luna seriously. "It's often infested with nargles.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 


“I sincerely hope your Christmas in Hertfordshire may abound in the gaieties which that season generally brings, and that your beaux will be so numerous as to prevent your feeling the loss of the three of whom we shall deprive you.”
― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice



 “CALVIN: This whole Santa Claus thing just doesn't make sense. Why all the secrecy? Why all the mystery? If the guy exists why doesn't he ever show himself and prove it? And if he doesn't exist what's the meaning of all this? HOBBES: I dunno. Isn't this a religious holiday?
CALVIN: Yeah, but actually, I've got the same questions about God.”
Bill Watterson

Source: The Literary Snob

“But at Christmas he had returned to Minneapolis, tight-lipped and strangely jubilant.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise


Source: Page Pulp

“He went to the church, and walked about the streets, and watched the people hurrying to and for, and patted the children on the head, and questioned beggars, and looked down into the kitchens of homes, and up to the windows, and found that everything could yield him pleasure. He had never dreamed of any walk, that anything, could give him so much happiness.”
Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Source: MsJacoby

“At one time, most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed, it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old, the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.”
Chris Van Allsburg, The Polar Express


“Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!”
Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!


Source: Wikipedia
“One can never have enough socks," said Dumbledore. "Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn't get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Because in our hearts, here at WTD, Dumbledore is always number one! Hope you all have a lovely day and get to play in the snow!

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